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Hallmark Group is New Zealand's only door manufacturer to attain GreenTag GreenRate certification

NZ's Only Doors With GreenTag Certification

Global GreenTag is one of the world’s most trusted ecolabels. 


We're proud to have been independently audited by GreenTag, attaining GreenTag certification for:​

  • Solid Core Doors

  • Hollow Core Doors

  • Europa Fire & Hospital Doors

  • Futura Fire & Hospital Doors

Using these certified doors contributes points towards New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC) Greenstar and Homestar ratings.​


Health & Ecotoxicity: Low toxicity - no toxicity in use


Rating tools relevance:
Green Star® Design & As Built:

- Contributes to Green Star Credit 13.2, Credit 20.2 and Credit 21
New Zealand Homestar® v4.0 Rating Tool:

- MAT-1 Sustainable Materials
New Zealand Homestar® v5.0 Rating Tool:

- EN3 Sustainable Materials
Earthcheck Rating Tool:

- Sustainable Materials

View/download Hallmark Group's GreenTag certificate here.

View the Hallmark Global GreenTag listing here.

Broader Outcomes - Hallmark Group

Broader Outcomes

We believe that a successful business is a responsible business – one that considers broader outcomes beyond a single bottom line. Our Hallmark Broader Outcomes CSR Statement explains how we achieve those broader outcomes.



Hallmark Group is 100% New Zealand-owned. Our core business is the conversion of timber into products for the New Zealand architectural design and construction sectors, specifically; the production of doors for commercial and residential construction projects, processing raw timber into veneer panels and doors.


Environmental Policy Statement
Hallmark Group is committed to the responsible use of resources. We acknowledge that our business has an impact on the environment and are committed to managing and reducing that impact through the adoption of our environmental policy. To this end we have implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) to provide a structure for improving our environmental performance. The emphasis of our EMS is on continual review and improvement.


Guiding Principles

  • We recognise that environmental responsibility today is essential to a sustainable business future.

  • We actively seek to minimise the environmental impact of our activities.

  • We work in partnership with all stakeholders to promote good environmental practice.

  • We comply with all relevant environmental legislation, standards, regulations and codes of practice.

  • We employ an environmentally responsible acquisition policy, promoting environmental responsibility through our contracting and purchasing choices. Our purchasing strives to obtain the best value by considering life cycle environmental impacts along with cost and functional performance.

  • We promote and embrace principles of waste hierarchy (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Landfill) to minimise the generation of waste, reduce waste to landfill and prevent pollution to air, water or land.

  • We seek to be a respectful neighbour by minimising the impact that our activities, sites and premises have on others.

  • We regularly review our operational activities, systems and training to ensure our business practice is aligned with this environmental statement.

Key Components of the Hallmark Group Environmental Management System

  • High-Level Commitment: Our Board of Directors and Senior Management team is committed to practical continuous improvement in environmental performance, waste minimisation, and the use of all materials efficiently and effectively. 

  • Company-Wide: Hallmark Group has a structure involving all levels of staff through which it implements its environmental policy and improvement objectives. Managers are responsible for ensuring procedures are in place to provide consistent compliance with environmental legislation and regulation, utilise best practice relating to sustainable practice and sourcing, pollution prevention, waste minimisation. All company employees are encouraged to take responsibility in enhancing environmental performance and promoting the efficient use of resources.

  • Assessing Environmental Effects: Assessment of the environmental effects of each of Hallmark Group’s operations is continuous. 

  • Setting Objectives and Targets: Performance targets are set and are continually reviewed and improved. Specific objectives are:

    • use of timber or wood products from sustainable (managed) forests

    • minimising waste

    • energy efficiency

    • minimising use of toxic materials, solvents and lead-based paints

    • innovation and environmentally beneficial product development

  • Operational Control: To ensure compliance with environmental conditions, production personnel develop operating procedures which outline how certain processes operate, including standards for management of wastes and hazardous substances.


Product Stewardship
Product stewardship is a way of reducing waste and increasing recycling of products at the end of their life, typically relevant to products that cause environmental harm when they become waste or are difficult to recycle.  Hallmark Group’s products are manufactured to last many decades and are comprised, almost entirely, of wood and wood-derivatives, which, at the end of their intended life, are readily recycled. We encourage our customers to repurpose our products at end of initial life, either themselves or via construction material salvage/recycling merchants. If they can’t be reused or repurposed in their complete state, they are also easily deconstructed and recycled. Recycling/salvage/reprocessing plants are found nationwide. We offer this list to help you find one in your region. We ask all customers to consider the environment and to repurpose or recycle our products at the end of their initial intended life.


Hallmark Group is committed to the responsible use of resources. Our solid wood waste is recovered and recycled, and our polystyrene waste is recovered and returned to our supplier for recycling. While the timber we use for framing is sustainably sourced and our suppliers have certification, licensing permissions restrict our ability to include those certifications on this website, so please contact to request environmental credentials of the supply chain for specific products.

Hallmark Group is New Zealand's leading supplier of quality interior doors and decorative products
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